Brett Heinz

Researcher, Writer, Student

The Latest

A US military program subsidizes major military contractors while giving them an opportunity to push for pro-corporate policies in the DOD.

A new report exposes a largely unknown fellowship that gives major arms companies outsized influence in defense policy.

Weapons firms and tech giants skirt rules for ads to win big contracts and influence policymakers.

Defense contractor Lockheed Martin funnels billions of taxpayer dollars into the pockets of its investors.


Brett Heinz is a political researcher and writer currently based in Washington, D.C., with a focus on economic justice, political inequality, and US foreign policy. He currently researches national security and foreign influence campaigns at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, and previously analyzed US relations with Latin America at the Center for Economic and Policy Research. Brett was born and raised in North Carolina, holds a Bachelor's degree from UNC Chapel Hill, and is now working on his MPP at American University. 


"A Washington-based economic analyst" - Télérama
"Curmudgeonly" - Military Times